A Method of Intermittent Chaotic Signal Identification Based on the Difference Poincar é Mapping 基于差分Poincaré映射的间歇混沌信号判别方法
The characteristics of intermittent signal system was discussed for the purpose of better application. 着重于对点式信号系统的特点进行探讨,以便于这一系统的更好应用。
Suppression of spiral waves using continuous and intermittent driving with rectangular periodical signal; 采用相空间压缩方法研究时空混沌和螺旋波系统的抑制问题。
Intermittent Chaos Motion Mechanism in Small Signal Detection 小信号检测中间歇混沌运动的机理
During the inception of the intermittent stall, the frequency stepping-up of pressure signal and the frequency decaying of gage signal correspond to the process of the energy congregating and the stall cell number decreasing. 在间断失速段,压力信号的频率阶跃以及叶片应变信号的频率衰减现象,对应于扰动能量聚集而使失速团数目减少的过程。
Duffing oscillators 'phase transformation from chaos to intermittent chaos is sensitive to the signals, whose frequency difference is little different from the reference signal, while it has immune to white noise and the signals, whose frequency is quite different from the reference signal. 杜芬振子从混沌到间歇性混沌的相变对与参考信号频差较小的周期小信号具有敏感性,而对白噪声和与参考信号频差较大的周期干扰信号具有免疫力。
The chaos and the intermittent chaos motions of the Holmes type Duffing oscillator are researched. It is founded that the tiny angular frequency difference between the referential signal and the disturbing signal is the reason of the intermittent chaos. 研究了Holmes型Duffing振子的混沌及间歇混沌运动,发现参考信号与摄动信号间的微小角频率差是振子产生间歇混沌的原因。
The Intermittent Chaotic Method of Fake Signal Detection 弱信号检测的混沌模型及应用
The algorithm is verified through two representative simulation examples, i.e. the case that single or double intermittent clutters exist in the wind profiling radar echo signal respectively. 针对两个代表性的仿真风廓线雷达回波信号,其中包括出现单个间歇杂波的回波信号以及出现两个间歇杂波的回波信号,对该算法进行验证。
Anyhow, obesity and intermittent hypoxia training both impact on cardiac structure and function by suppressing or activating on signal pathway in cardiac cells. 无论是肥胖或是间歇性低氧训练,它们对心肌细胞的结构和功能的一系列影响是通过对心肌细胞内多条信号通路进行激活或抑制实现的。
Conclusion: High fat diet and intermittent hypoxia training both have impact on phosphorylation level of tyrosine in process of cardiac reconstruction. Leptin may play as extracellular signal during process of intermittent hypoxia training. 结论:间歇性低氧训练和高脂食物均对心肌细胞重构相关酪氨酸多肽磷酸化程度产生影响;血清瘦素在间歇性低氧心肌重构过程中可能发挥了细胞外信号的功能。
The process of the load reallocate in the internal structure will be performance in external structure: can be observed impulse intermittent signal in the system response as the load changing, by using test vibration acceleration of structure. 结构内部的载荷重新分配过程在结构外部也会有所表现:测试结构的振动加速度,可以观察到随着载荷的变化,系统响应中会出现间歇性的冲激信号。